Leeds Medical School, Class of 1980

Curricula vitae - B

Graham Beck

Training posts

JHO General surgery/ENT Wakefield 1980-81
JHO General medicine Pontefract 1980-81
SHO General medicine Pontefract 1981-82
SHO Anaesthetics Sheffield & Doncaster 1982-84
Registrar Anaesthetics Newcastle upon Tyne 1984-86
Senior Registrar Anaesthetics Newcastle upon Tyne 1986-89

Consultant posts

Consultant ITU & Anaesthetics Telford, Shropshire 1989-94
Consultant ITU & Anaesthetics New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton 1994 to date

Current post

I maintain an interest in Intensive Care as a consultant in Wolverhampton where we have a 7 bedded ITU and will soon be opening a 12 bedded HDU. I now spend much more time as an anaesthetist in theatre. I avoid when I can the ridiculous pressures placed upon medical staff by relatives of ITU patients, and of course drug representatives.

Graham BeckFamily

I am married to Davina, a children’s nurse, whom I met in Leeds in 1978. We have two children Christopher (14) and Lizzie (12).


In my spare time I run a small computer company, managing a web site and providing database solutions to Operating Theatres and Intensive Care Units. I collect speeding tickets. Together with a receding hairline I have become a sad gadget freak. I still play the guitar, singing along appallingly.

E-mail: graham at phsl dot freeserve dot co dot uk

(Last revised July 2000)

Anne (née Calvey) & Chris Bennett

Anne & Chris BennettAfter training posts in West Yorkshire, we were married in 1985 and immediately moved to Newcastle upon Tyne. Anne became a principal in Cramlington, and Chris a research registrar in genetics. In 1988 Chris obtained a Senior Registrar post at Guys Hospital and Anne became a mother. In 1992 returned to Leeds with three children and Chris a Consultant in Clinical Genetics. Anne is working in General Practice and Family Planning.

Now living in Roundhay with three gorgeous sons Paul (11), David (10) and Stephen(9).

E-mail: cbennett at doctors dot org dot uk

(Last revised July 2000)

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